The specific needs of our children and senior citizens need to be addressed when designing new neighborhoods or retrofitting existing ones.
What steps need to be taken to address the issues identified as significant for the future of Forsyth County’s senior citizens, and improve their health and well-being?
What additional steps need to be taken to make our community more child-friendly and improve the health and well-being of our children?
How can providing more transportation options help with the health and well-being of younger and older populations?
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Children need places to play, and seniors need social interaction and very walkable communities. Placing some suitable senior housing in all communities could help both kids and seniors. Secure cross walks equipped with sound are also needed.
Parks, sidewalks, making certain intersections are pedestrian friendly.
Develop Village to Village network(s) in the County and also investigate innovative transportation options such as the Independent Transportation Network for older adults and kid's shuttle(s) for child/childcare/activity transportation. Also engage churches in the discussion of this tope to discover innovative solutions.
Intergenerational Programming.
Sidewalks for children & seniors. Need for affordable senior living alternatives - independent, assisted nursing.
Maintain insurance coverage for homecare needs.
More walking paths, benches, rec centers with programming.
Provide more options for user-friendly transportation alternatives to driving.
Visually easier signs & crossing areas: larger street signs, longer time to cross streets.
Plazas - gathering spaces in neighborhoods (i.e. European model)
Places where people can congregate to stroll; children can plan; seniors can mingle with younger generation
Checkers tables, bowling areas/horseshoes
Senior housing built close to services & health facilities
Plan activities that meet their needs. Partner with businesses that will periodically cater to this group.
Varied housing sizes
Allow/promote "in-law quarters" in new developments
Mixed use neighborhoods/ connectivity
Safe walkability - networks of sidewalks & safe pedestrian crossings.
Design for them. Maximize the life of spaces and plan buildings for people of all ages.
Support services for seniors should be expanded.
Senior friendly: walkable streets - no glare from streetlights, more trolleys or streetcars, drug stores & hardware stores close by as well as things like ice cream shops!
Improve air and water quality. Give our children a greener, healthier community. Recent studies (referred to on CBS, 60 Minutes) indicate that outlaws are raised in areas without green spaces and schools. Our children don’t have any decent streams where they can discover aquatic critters and play.
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