Monday, May 16, 2011

Economic Vitality in All Areas

How does economic prosperity expand to all areas of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County?

Should additional incentive programs be offered based on location in order to spur economic growth in areas that need revitalization?

Give us your thoughts -- click "comments" below:


Henry said...

I believe incentives in the form of reduced taxes (for some period of time) and infrastructure improvements + financial assistance in terms of compliance with things like the tree ordinance could be effective.

Lee L. French said...

Economic prosperity can expand to all areas of Winston-Salem through roadway and infrastructure projects that increase connectivity. (e.g. Creative Corridors Coalition projects)

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Lower cost of doing business across the board, do not offer specific incentives.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Lower cost of doing business across the board, do not offer specific incentives.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Part of the problem is access - sidewalks, easy parking, public transit encourage retail operations in underutilized parts of the community

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Offer incentives that defer but not necessarily give expenses

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Strong communication & advertisement & promotion. Put up billboards, send info to churches, etc. Incentives are good too, but if people don't know about the program, then...

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Downtown needs to be more family friendly
Suggestion: We need to develop a large children's park with a sensor fountain, playground, soda shop, craft area, picnic area, garden area, amphitheater, etc.

Dan Foltz said...

I would like to know if any food store has been located for the odburn station area to replace the old paragon that was there? Is there a time table to obtain a store and get it up and going?
Has any progress been made to obtain the gant gas station for a bus terminal?

JRL said...

Pursue vigorously commercial and industrial re-development downtown.

Cheap and fast Internet capabilities throughout the county would be a great start. Currently, Internet is very costly to the average citizen so some real cable/internet competition should be helpful.

Preserve farm lands and other “non-productive” areas which actually support us in more ways than most developers care to understand. Our schools and technical colleges should embrace and promote environmental stewardship and quality. Bioengineering is not only a medical profession; but, it is also a societal health and environmental health paradigm shift we must seek to improve upon and promote if we want vibrant communities.