Greenways provide opportunities for healthy outdoor recreation such as walking and biking and access to nature.

What role can Forsyth Greenways Connection or other advocacy groups play in making a significant leap forward in the construction of trail miles?
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I have walked, skated and or bicycled Greenways in New York, Virginia, California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, I've also used Greenways in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. In every case, it was very obvious that these healthy amenities added to the character, and economic vibrancy of the communities. A portion of our Capital budget should be reserved for their construction here.
To accelerate construction of planned Greenways, community representatives should talk with land owners whose property is needed. Take them to existing Greenways and let them walk, and talk to abutting neighbors, and restaurant and grocery store operators along the routes. They will quickly learn that their fears about crime, trash, and other abuses are unfounded.
We need to determine what are the critical factors that are constraining the growth of Greenways. Is it funding, or is it cooperation of landowners, lack of commitment by the city... Once these are identified we can focus on them. My feeling is that funding is not the main issue - it is the perception that Greenways are not a priority with a majority of Forsyth County residents. As long as that perception persists, then nothing will be built even if outside funding becomes available.
The community needs to have a channel available to it to show support - put in a mechanism for companies or organizations to partially fund construction much as Rails to Trails does. Pick one of our current Greenway trails and really do it up right - get sponsors to pick up the trash, put in benches, ... Survey the neighbors and see how the Greenway has impacted them. If adversely, fix it. If positively, then advertise it. Interview users. the goal is to have landowners want to have a neighboring Greenway.
Greenways contribute to personal health and environmental health. Greenways conserve resources and reduce pollution when we substitute walking and bicycling for driving.
Greenways can include primitive trails as well as paved trails. Unimproved trails can be marked as soon a rights-of-way are established. There is no need to wait.
Our current greenways are well-used and much-needed, an indication of how important they are to the community. We need to make greenway construction a priority and ensure funding through capital budgeting and bond referenda on a regular basis.
Work with local, state and federal agencies to find funding. Also include river keepers, land conservancies and similar organization in the planning and location efforts.
Join us! WS Greenways - First public meeting on 10/20 at 6:30pm, Old Town Park Neighborhood Center Meeting Room 4550 Shattalon Drive.
Friend us on Facebook and Twitter: WS Greenways
I find that most people that are for the greenways are those whose property it does not infringe on. I bought my land for my use not for Forsyth Counties use! When I look out my window I want to see the deer and turkeys ,etc. not some bunch of trespassers.
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