Integrating Land Use and Transportation Decision Making
Unfortunately, land use planning and transportation investment decisions are often made by different entities and/or levels of government. Land use decisions are typically made at the local level, while transportation decisions are made at the local, regional, state and federal levels. In turn, the transportation decision makers at the various levels need to consider the effects the existing and future transportation systems may have on land use patterns.
How do we better integrate land use and transportation decision making?
How do we get decision makers to consider both land use and transportation when considering development sites, development regulations or public investment decisions?
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As large as Winston-Sal is ,it is so far behind in city offered transportation,i live on the southsideof winston there are several developments going toward Kernsville yet no city buse ,also no nightime bus service ,and that which is offered most residents have to walk 2 or 3 miles after they get off the bus ,someone need to look at this as everyone living in thoes developments does'nt have cars are there is 3 working memebers and 1 car
Our political leaders and their appointees should attend educational summits or other educational venues when they are elected or appointed to any board or commission. Everyone should be made aware of the air, water and land crisis we are facing. Additionally, politicians should start appointing educated professionals and everyday citizens to boards to get some common sense into the equation. Currently, folks tend to perceive the well-heeled doing public service (board members) for their own self-serving information and interests.
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