Greenways are linear open space corridors that can be established along corridors, such as creeks, utility or railroad rights-of-way, scenic roads or other routes. They may take a variety of forms including waterfront walkways, bicycle paths or multi-use trails, urban walking trails, hiking trails and wildlife migration corridors. They provide opportunities for healthy outdoor recreation such as walking and biking and access to nature. In addition to providing exercise opportunities, greenways can connect neighborhoods to community facilities and to one another. The preservation of natural areas and open space are another benefit of greenway corridors.
Countywide surveys done prior to completion of the City-County Greenway Plan revealed that walking, hiking and biking ranked first among recreational activities most enjoyed by residents and first among the recreation facilities they feel are most urgently needed in the community. The following is the status of planning and implementation of our community’s greenway system:
- Twenty-one miles of greenway trails have been constructed to date, most of them in Winston-Salem
- The Greenway Plan adopted in 2002 is currently being updated
- Additional proposals for greenways have been made in Area Plans adopted since 2002
- The Greenway Plan update will focus on prioritizing construction of proposed greenway trails based on connectivity, engineering feasibility and public support
- The primary source of funding in recent years has been federal transportation funds
- Dedicated easements for future greenways are secured through the rezoning and subdivision process
- Construction of trails has been slow and there is continuing resistance to their construction by property owners and residents in some areas
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