Monday, June 6, 2011

Historic Resources

Forsyth County has a long and rich historic culture, from the Moravians through the industrial period and up to the technology period of today.

What are the tools and who are the partners needed to create a Historic Preservation Master Plan for the entire county?

How should we prioritize historic areas or sites for protection?

Give us your thoughts -- click "comments" below:


Lee L. French said...

Old Salem must play a key role in this process given its credibility as a historic voice in the region. A high-functioning and credible historic resource commission will always be an important partner to the community in these endeavors. Focus on existing and well-accepted historic districts and sites as a priority for appropriate governance.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Neighborhood Associations
Area universities
National experts who have assisted other historic cities such as Savannah, New Orleans, Charleston, etc.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Only truly special structures should be protected.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Local older neighborhoods, preservation non-profit (Preserve Historic Forsyth), HRC, developers with rehab experience, prioritize based on level of significance and uniqueness
in general support by proactive support of older areas

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

The partners for preservation should be between the public and private sectors and should definitely include the residents of historic districts! Prioritization should be considered on age and uniqueness of the structures. Age/uniqueness - newer or less unique buildings (first/higher)

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

You need organizations & groups who actively advocate for historic preservation. The City planning department, historic preservation commission, & interested individuals need to come together to help protect & preserve ALL historic/old sites. Prioritize by asking community members what matters most to them, as well as basing priority on the historic significance of the building.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

There should be a partnership with agencies that represent and serve the elderly. This population has the most primary recollection of history and it could let our aging population know that we value their experiences and input. Partnerships with local colleges/universities could lend an academic voice to our presentation too.

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Community knowledge & support.
I believe that Historic areas/sites need to be a main focus for protection

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

National organization experts should work with our local HRC to ensure that all possible concepts are included in the master plan

From Our June 7th Meeting… said...

Preserve all existing rural land.

JRL said...

Local utilities and transportation folks should be included as historical and community identity sites have been bulldozed which allowed more recent developments.