Mixed-use centers should be comprised of well-mixed and integrated developments with well-planned public spaces that bring people together and provide opportunities for active living and interaction. New development, including buildings, parking areas, streets and public spaces, need to be designed to be visually attractive, safe, and have an identity.
How do we ensure that new redevelopment is designed to provide a high-quality design and offer a unique character?
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Keep it environmentally friendly with greenery, flowers, open spaces and a minimal amount of high quality(full cutoff) lighting. Include only low noise and low lighting businesses in these areas, so they remain as desirable residences.
In order to decide about public spaces, etc.: why not poll the people in the neighborhoods affected about their thoughts and wishes.
For instance: Are ESL classes offered in the centers that are in ethnic neighborhoods?
The 2002 Legacy publication recommended a Southeast Neighborhood Activity Center(which was included in the Urban Village Site discussed in Mixed Use Development Opportunity Areas section). The area recommended at that time for this... is still pretty much undeveloped and very unappealing...despite the fact that this is a prime and suitable area for a NAC. There are buildings in and around this area that could be part of the Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse idea and would be a significant part of a NAC, however, as the 2002 Legacy Plan states, there needs to be rezoning done .."for properties to be developed with neighborhood serving commercial uses." This area is surrounded by Old Salem, Historic West Salem, Historic Happy Hills and Historic Washington Park, as well as new town homes, and three major colleges/universities.....yet it still continues to languish. You are looking for new recommendations, however at the same time you need to look back at your previous proposals and recommendations and find a way to make them work. Hopefully Legacy 2030 Update will address this.
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